Sycamore Canyon Trail Races

100K - 50K - Half Marathon + Relays

Feb 22, 2025


Welcome to Sycamore Canyon!

Sycamore Canyon features a 100k (solo or relay) PLUS a 50k (solo or relay) and Half Marathon option.
The Sycamore Canyon race takes place on a loop course in the beautiful Goodman Ranch Sycamore Canyon Preserve just east of San Diego.



Early Packet Pickup: Hop Stop Poway
14055 Midland Rd, Poway, CA 92064
February 21st 530-63PM

(you can also pick up your stuff on race morning starting at 430AM)

Elevation Gain: Approximately 1400' per loop (50k = 5,600 & 100k = 11,200)
Cutoff times: 10:00PM off course. 100K must start last loop by 7:45PM (this is a FIRM cutoff).
(Early Start for 100K (slow) runners only!)

Registration Requirements: 100K Solo runners must have completed at least one 50k+ race
Total Distance: 102km, 51km, 13.1 Miles

The Sycamore Canyon 100k is a multiple loop course run as a solo ultra or with as part of a relay team.
Solo runners must complete all 8 laps themselves.

4 Person relay works as follows (100K does two laps each person & 50K relay does 1 lap each person):
Each runner completes two laps (12.8km/7.9 miles per lap). Each runner can run their laps consecutively or they can reset between laps. It's all part of the strategy!
The 4 person relay will have 3 categories for finishing place:
1. Open (must have at least one female)
2. Women
3. Men

If a runner is hurt, can't finish a second lap, or does not show on race day - there are NO SUBSTITUTIONS. One of the other relay runners will need to pick up the extra lap(s). Substitutions are allowed up until 24 hours before the race starts.

Drop Bags:

Drop bags will be designated at Race HQ. You will have access to your drop bag every 11.1km. Please label them with your name, bib#, & race distance. Please ONLY bring a drop bag if you are a solo runner (no drop bags for relay runners to save space)


You may set up your own tent with your own crew, supplies, etc., in the start/finish area. This entire area (entire parking lot) is considering an aid station. However - make sure you check in & out at Race HQ when going to and from your tent. ONLY ONE tent per team please!


Parking is NOT allowed in the immediate start/finish area so you'll have to haul in your tent, etc. Parking will be just outside the start/finish area, along the road leading up to it. You may have to walk a quarter to half mile, depending on when you arrive. IF you bring MORE than one relay team, you may park your car with your tent(s). NOTE: Your relay teams must have the same team name, ie., Here To Run #1 and Here to Run #2.



Sunrise: 6:55am
Sunset: 6:58pm

Average Temps: 71/48


All entrants will receive a long sleeve tech shirt. Finishers will receive a finishers award.

100k Solo 1st Male & Female overall: Free Race next year + $100 Cash

100k Solo 2nd Male & Female overall: $50 Cash
100k 4x Relay (first in each category): Each participant will receive a prize + there will be one overall award

50k 1st Male & Female overall: Free Race next year + $75 Cash
50k 2nd Male & Female overall: $50 Cash
50k 4x Relay (first in each category): Each participant will receive a prize + there will be one overall award

Half Marathon 1st Male & Female overall: Free Race next year + TBD Prize

Thanks to SURF for their support of this event. San Diego Ultra Friends (SURF) is a Not For Profit organization. It is committed to serving the needs of the San Diego trail and ultra running community. SURF is dedicated to fostering positive growth in the community through education, athlete engagement, local race support and trail maintenance. SURF offers many benefits to it's members. Join today at

Races Rules

1. Have fun!
2. Be Safe. There are many hazards along the course including (but not limited to), mountain lions, rough terrain, rattle snakes, sharp cliffs and drop offs, etc. It is your responsibility to run safe and stay alert.
3. Except in case of medical emergency, runners may accept no aid nor assistance in any form from anyone, including pacers and crews, between aid stations.
4. Each runner must carry all of his own food, fluids, clothing, and other supplies needed for use between aid stations and must carry a minimum of 40oz of water.
5. Littering of any kind is strictly prohibited. Littering will result in the immediate disqualification of the runner in this year's race, and for all future races.
6. Runners are responsible for the actions of their crews and pacers.
7. Participants must follow the marked trail at all times. Any runner departing from the official trail must return to the point of departure on foot before continuing.
8. Each runner must be checked IN at EVERY aid station. Runners not checked at each aid station may not be credited with officially finishing the Run.
9. Any entrant who is unable to finish the Race must inform personnel at the nearest aid station of his or her decision to withdraw. You MUST turn in your race bib at this time. Runners who leave the course without turning in their bibs will be classified as "lost," and may be billed for charges incurred in any serach and rescue operation.
10. Headphones are not recommended or encouraged. Use at your own risk.
11. Lights are REQUIRED for running after dark. For safety reason, you may not be allowed to finish without a light after 5:00PM.
12. Pacers are ONLY allowed for solo runners and from 5PM and onward OR at the start of your last lap if it is before 5PM. Your pacer MUST check in and get a pacer bib.
13. Respect all park rules including 10MPH speed limit driving in and out of the park. Stay on only designated trails. No littering. Be respectful to other park users. If you run with your dog - it must by on a 6' (max) leash.

Travel Information

Area Map of Sycamore Canyon::
(you can click on more options to bring up a new window and get directions from your location)

Highway 67 Staging Area
13920 Highway 67, Lakeside, CA 92040
(this address takes you to the park entrace. It's a 1.4 mile into the parking from there)

Directions from North Inland
15 South to Exit 17 (Scripps Poway Parkway) - Turn LEFT
Scripps Poway Parkway for 8.6 miles to Highway 67 South - Turn RIGHT
Highway 67 South for about .5 mile - turn RIGHT into the preserve
PLEASE follow speed limit of 10MPH (Parking lot is 1.4 miles in)

Directions from North Coastal
5 South to Highway 78 East
Highway 78 East to 15 South
15 South to Exit 17 (Scripps Poway Parkway) - Turn LEFT
Scripps Poway Parkway for 8.6 miles to Highway 67 South - Turn RIGHT
Highway 67 South for about .5 mile - turn RIGHT into the preserve
PLEASE follow speed limit of 10MPH (Parking lot is 1.4 miles in)

Directions from South/San Diego
15/163 North to Exit 17 (Scripps Poway Parkway) - Turn RIGHT
Scripps Poway Parkway for 8.6 miles to Highway 67 South - Turn RIGHT
Highway 67 South for about .5 mile - turn RIGHT into the preserve
PLEASE follow speed limit of 10MPH (Parking lot is 1.4 miles in)

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