Club Dirty Feet is being launched for the 2016 racing season!
Club Dirty Feet is essentially a loyalty rewards program.
We will have 4 levels for your membership enjoyment.
The requirements for each level are as follows:
Club Dirty Feet Light
- Participate in at least 3 Dirty Feet Races in 2016
- Pay in advance not required, however you will not get your reward until you participate in your 3rd race.
Club Dirty Feet Trail
- Participate in at least 4 Dirty Feet Races in 2016
- Requires pay in advance for all 4 races (at a discount)
- MUST pay by Feb 25th, 2016
- Rewards will be ready starting Feb 27th, 2016
Club Dirty Feet Ultra
- Participate in 3 Dirty Feet Ultra Races in 2016 + either the OC Duathlon OR December Half Marathon
- Requires pay in advance for all 4 races (at a discount)
- MUST pay by Feb 25th, 2016
- Rewards will be ready starting Feb 27th, 2016
Club Dirty Feet Volunteer
- Volunteer at 2 or more races in 2016 & Register for at least one race
- OR Volunteer at 4 or more races in 2016
- You will get your reward when you participate in your 3rd/4th race.