Aid Stations:
Several fully stocked aid stations are available. Runners will never go more than about 5k without reaching an aid station. Aid Stations will have sweet & salty snacks, electrolytes (Nuun & Endurolytes), soup, soda, water, and Honey Stinger Gels at a minimum.
100k/50k Course
The Sycamore 100k/50k course is a figure 8 lap course. The top half of the 8 (Martha's Grove) is ALWAYS run clockwise. The bottom half is run clockwise on even laps and counterclockwise on odd laps. See maps below for details.
Each loop contains about 1400' (425 meters) of elevation gain
Odd Laps (1, 3, 5, 7 for 100k) (1, 3 for 50k)
Even Laps (2, 4, 6, 8 fro 100k) (2, 4 for 50k)
Half Marathon Course
The Sycamore Half Marathon course consists of two loops. See maps below for details.
Aid Stations:
2km (1.2Mi), 8.5km (5.4Mi), 10.5km (6.6Mi), 12.5km (7.2Mi), 19km (11.4Mi), 22km (13.2Mi)
Loop Map (repeat twice)